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Pool Etiquette «

Play Better Billiards

Every sport or recreation has its guidelines when it comes to etiquette, and billiards is no different. It helps to be familiar with these sometimes un-written rules when you try something new, and it makes it much easier and less stressful to know them ahead of time. Here are some of the basic do’s and don’ts in the billiard room.

Professional Billiard Instructors Association (PBIA)

The Etiquette of Pool: (
Pooldawg Library ‎by Liz Ford The Etiquette of Pool: Mind Your Sticks Balls and Holes The pool room can be an intimidating place if you are not familiar with its unspoken code of conduct.

Billiards Etiquette |

Mike K Glass ( ) Article‎Aug 30, 2013 -

For many years, pool has had a tarnished image. Ask the average person, and they’ll tell you that it’s mostly hoodlums, bikers, and gangsters who play pool in seedy bars while Hank Williams, Johnny Cash or Lynyrd Skynyrd plays in the background (please no more Ring of Fire or Freebird!). In bar fights, cue sticks and balls are the weapons of choice, and most pool players spill their beers on the tables. Right? Well, Hollywood would have you believe this, anyway!Seriously, though. Pick a new song.

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